Where did December go?

I agree with Opus, we need to just write 2009 off and get started with 2010 early.  What a strange year this has been.  Freak snow storms, summer temps above 109F!, and THREE fiber festivals in town (it only sounds fun if you don’t have to work them all).  Not to mention the H1N1 (thank you again, Kristin for sharing that gem) and what I’m now calling MV2.

The ‘mystery virus’ that has had me down for the count for the past two weeks.  I’ve been fighting it off for longer than that (a month, maybe?), but my body finally surrendered utterly and completely on the 12th.  I remember the date exactly because I lost my voice for three days and had to have my Dad call work to tell them I was all but dead.  Fun, huh?

I’m getting better now (no fussing!), mostly due to some fun hardcore drugs that took two doctors appointments and a chest x-ray to match up.  Apparently the prescription cough syrup and inhaler weren’t the right meds for the job.  Go figure.  But I can breathe again (woot!) and am actually (mostly) functioning again.  I even folded laundry today (for someone who could barely go up the stairs for a week, that’s huge).

Which is why I’m trying to catch up a month’s worth of stuff in one post.  Well, all one can do is try, right?

First!  I have a new pattern for all y’all that I’ve been wanted to share for some time now.  Presenting… the Sqooshy Scarf (free pattern!):


Download now on ravelry.

And, yes, Opus and I just might have been imbibing alcohol when we came up with that lame name.  We know.  But it is sqooshy, so the name stuck.  I love it, it’s warm (really, really warm), was very quick to knit and super -soft because of the yarn I used – Fleece Artist’s Slubby Blue, one skein in “Morgana” and one in “Forest Fairie”. (Please note: I am not linking to Knit Purl in some cheazy attempt at merchandising, I simply can’t find a decent photo of this awesome yarn on Fleece Artist’s website, alas.  Check it out, they only have one little thumbnail… sad).

Anyway.  That photo (and others) were taken at the McMenamin’s Hotel Oregon, in McMinnville, after Opus and I had hit Woodland Woolworks in a mad attempt to find blocking wires for her Grandmother’s Hemlock Ring Blanket (Christmas gift).  While there… well, I fell off the bandwagon.  They had four balls of Rowan Scottish Tweed Aran (a yarn we don’t carry, incidentally, so it’s not, like… infidelity) in the most lovely color, “Claret”:

Fence Vest
Which, um, didn’t photograph too well.  Yes, it was probably user error.  I’m currently working on a Fence vest that is more than half done.  This thing is addicting.  The yarn is evil.  I started on Tuesday and already have the back finished and the front cast on.

As we were thumbing through their lace pattern binders (at WW), Opus spotted something interesting that (strangely) made her more excited than me.  We had to take a photo:

If you look, closely, you can see my Architect’s Sock pattern hanging out there with patterns by Beth Brown-Reinsel and The Heirloom Knitter.  It was kind of funny and a little weird.

Next, as we were relaxing at McMenamin’s (our quest fulfilled), I snapped a shot of the scarf Opus was making for her coworker:

I promised her I’d post it, so she’d have it for her ravelry journal.  And, look, all these weeks later, I remembered!  That’s a minor miracle, honestly.

Second, on the list of things to report – the Finished List.  Having spent two weeks in bed (or on the couch), with only yarn to prevent suicide attempts (seriously, I was ready to try anything to stop the coughing).  Recently finished:

  1. Sabine
  2. Malabrigo Vest
  3. Another pair of Nemo Mitts
  4. An awesome sock/ stocking for ShibuiKnits that I can’t show you yet.  Oh, cruel Fate!

Still ongoing:

  • Seed Rib Winterset
  • Fence vest
  • Handknits For Hard Knock Kids hat&mitten sets – four of them.  I’m mostly done with the first set, but have been avoiding this group of WIPs because I don’t want to be responsible for sending half of the children in the Oregon Foster Care system to the hospital with MV2.  Just imagine the headlines.  Oy.
  • My What’sIt (don’t ask)
  • And a whole bunch of socks.

Patterns in progress: oh, a lot.  I have so many it’s getting hard to keep track any more.  I’m going to need a spreadsheet.

Am I making any sense?  I’m still on the hard drugs for another two days (keep your fingers crossed that this’ll be the end of MV2) and have been a little looped lately.  Oh, well.  Only two days to go!  And, with it being 11pm, I think I’d better take my nasty cough syrup and fall into bed.

I hope everyone had a happy holiday and will enjoy their weekends!  I plan on staying inside, where it’s warm, and knitting my fingers off.  I have tons of stuff to finish for work and ShibuiKnits.  Until next time, stay toasty!

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